Determined to protect her life and heal her broken heart, equine vet, Ariel Armstrong, seeks a refuge from her violent ex-boyfriend. Her job working with prized race horses enables her to hide in plain sight and care for her brother, an injured Marine. After losing her father to war and witnessing her brother’s daily battle to overcome his injuries, she’s sworn off military men forever. Gavin Cross, Navy SEAL, and the son of Ariel’s new boss has one mission in life—to serve his country. After showing signs of PTSD, he’s sent home but vows to get back in the action ASAP. The last problem he needs is an emotional entanglement, but the beautiful vet’s love tempts him in an undeniable way and has him questioning his need to return to duty.
Will Gavin choose a future with Ariel or protection of America from terrorism?
I had a hard time putting the book down. I looked forward to the next time I would read, and I am really looking forward to the next book!
Day 1 I read close to 30 pages ... Day 2, dying to read more (can I hide in a bathroom while guests are in the house and read??)
It has all the qualities you expect in a good read. Humor, suspense and romance. I strongly recommend this book.
This one went a bit further than the usual "romance novel"... Looking forward to future novels in this series.
This book had it all...romance, suspense, raw emotion and humor, I had touble putting it down!
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